Vata Body Polish

It is happening as the winter chill kicks in.  The wavering between being in a heated room then stepping out into the cold, wanting a hotter shower to warm the body and the dread of wearing additional layers of clothing.  My body is being cocooned, that feeling of freedom and the natural tan has faded. 
I have always moisturised by body after a shower.  But now with the change of season my body requires more.  It requires change and attention.  That is when I had the an uhhaha moment, my body needed a bit of Ayurvedic attention.  I love the Ayurvedic principals; the Science of Life giving attention to your internal and external body for natural healing and health.  So out came the Aika Wellness ~ Vata Body Polish. 
Vata you may ask.  In Ayurveda there are three body types/dosha: Pitta, Vata and Kapha, which can be determined with consultation from an Ayurvedic practitioner or a quick of quiz.  The practitioner consultation will go into more detail than the quiz, but you will get insight. Also, meeting with an Ayurvedic practitioner you will be able to discuss your wellbeing further.

But for now, I wish to share my AikaWellness Vata Body Polish experience.   After reading the instruction on the tub, I stepped into the shower, wet a face-washer and wiped over my arms, shoulders, legs, hips, legs, lower back and glutes.  Now my body was ready, I grabbed my little timber scooper and scooped a suitable measure (teaspoon amount) and emptied the body polish on to my palm and started rubbing one limb at a time and grabbing more polish as required.  With the benefiting ingredients of Himalayan crystal salt, Sesame oil, Nutmeg, Ashwagandha and much more, I continued rubbing not forgetting my torso, hips and glutes.

Begone that white dry dull look and feel.  Standing in the shower, I continued to rub as water from the shower cascaded over my body.  Once the scrub was rinsed off, there was no lingering under the running shower water.  I was out.  Patting my body dry I was amazed to see and feel the difference.  

I did this procedure a week later.  Now, two weeks after the last I’m ready to do it again.   Do note:  the second time I did the scrub, I’m not sure what I did differently, but the colour of the scrub did affect my white shirt that I wore that day.  Don’t fear, when I washed the shirt it redeemed its whiteness.  I shall keep in mind to scrub my shoulders more thoroughly, as I did the first time. 

As you will have noted I used and linked Aika Wellness, would I recommend it?  For sure. 

The Vata Body Polish has benefited my exterior, but I know that I need to look at my diet at this time to further balance vata.

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I just wanted to take this time to say a very big thank you to you. I think this is the first time in my whole time of being a travel agent that I have truly got satisfaction that I know I have done something really good by someone.

Annette, Travel Agent ~ TAS