
Glossary: 'e'

  • Eastern Medicine

    A holistic perspective on health and illness that constitutes the existence of a person as a whole – physiologically and psychologically.

  • Emotional Cleansing

    The acknowledgement, removal or healing of the emotional body.

  • Energy Balancing

    A term for techniques that channel and stimulate energy through the body.

  • Essential Oils

    Aromatic liquid substances which are extracted from certain species of flowers, grasses, fruits, leaves, roots and trees which are used in the medicinal, food and cosmetic industries. The positive effect of essential oils on blood circulation is due to bringing oxygen and nutrients to the tissues while assisting in the disposal of carbon dioxide and other waste products produced by cell metabolism.

  • Exfoliation

    Skin treatment where the upper layer of dead skin cells is sloughed off. A variety of techniques can be used and the treatment is called accordingly: loofah rub, salt scrub, body glow, brush and tone, etc.

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Karen, I felt I received true personal attention from you, and it is obvious you are passionate about what you do.

Rachel Bailey ~ VIC